Dear Epaphras,

I want to bring you up to speed on two important things so that you can pray.  

First, thank you for praying for my (Steve’s) trip to New Zealand.  Our four days with PIONEERS International leadership team were packed with worship, intercession, strategizing and planning.  It’s exciting to be a part of what God is doing in/through PIONEERS in bringing the Gospel to the least reached peoples on earth!  While we were there we had a chance to meet some Mauri followers of Jesus who are radically redeeming their rich culture with the Gospel!

Second, please pray for my mom, Jean Lee Currey.  When I landed in Amsterdam this morning, I was met with the news that her care givers in Salt Lake City, in conjunction with my brother made the difficult decision to move mom into hospice care.  It’s heart wrenching and we are not yet sure what hospice means for her apart from the immediate result of one on one full time care – which she is increasingly in need of.  Please ask the Lord to comfort mom and give Michael and I wisdom as to best care for her.

I’m writing from Paris as I await my last of 5 flights – I didn’t realize that New Zealand and Basque Country are on exact opposite sides of the globe.  Needless to say, after 12,000 miles of travel, I look forward to being with my 3 favorite ladies again soon.

Thank you for standing with us as we spread the Gospel in Europe!
