Dear Epaphras,

Now we turn towards Christmas.  This month as a family we are memorizing Psalm 23.  With the commercialization surrounding December 25th and the mad rush for getting and giving gifts to one another David’s words in the opening verse are both convicting and practical.  As Christmas approaches, I hope we can we all agree with David, the Lord is my Shepherd, I have all I need. 

Thank you for praying during our annual Thanksgiving meal with our friends from our former village (photo above).  It was a great time reconnecting and seeing old friends.  We continue to pray for Jesus to draw our dear friends in Azereix to Himself.  Until He does, we continue to befriend, pray for and share the Gospel with them.  Ask our Father to draw each of them to Himself (John 6 v 44)

Locally here in Bayonne we are seeking a new meeting space for our church.  You’ll remember 2 years ago we moved from our former space as it was too small.  Now, this temporary facility is showing its size and capacity limitations as we continue to grow.  We praise the Lord for growth and we are grateful for new followers of Jesus.  Please pray for our leadership team as we are looking for a larger facility that will enable us to do ministry throughout the week.

In 2 weeks our drama team will be performing during a 500th anniversary celebrating the Reformation.  The play is an historical overview of Martin Luther’s life from the perspective of his wife Margarethe – who loved to bake apple pies.  An accurate portrayal of the history leading up to Martin Luther’s declaration of faith in Jesus alone and a clear presentation of the Gospel will be center to the piece.  We’ve already invited more than 1500 people – if you understand french, please click on the photo to the right to see our publicity.

The end of the year is upon us and perhaps some of you are looking for good options for a year end contribution to a charitable organisation.  We have many opportunities.  In fact, we are looking to raise significant funds for local ministry as well as our personal support.   Click here to see why we are raising an additional $1,850 per month and how to help.

Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel here in Europe!  You are loved!

Steve, Sara, Annie and Julia CURREY