Dear Epaphras,
Last week we shared our journey in a post Hungary on Holddescribing how we sense the Lord pressing the pause button on our plans to move to Budapest in 2015.  We are at peace beyondsightwith this as we mentioned last week and looking forward to more ministry here in France while we continue to lead church planting teams in PIONEERS’ European Region.

The Surfing Community

God is moving among the surfing community here locally.  Just last week our team here in Biarritz, France and our team in Gijon, Spain hosted Derek Rabelo, a blind surfer who loves Jesus from Brazil.  There were three separate showings of the film Beyond Sight after which Derek laid out his faith in Jesus.  Lets pray the Lord would continue to use Derek’s testimony to lead many to Himself here in Basque Country!


Join us in praying with our team in Northern Italy.  Rejoice with the team as the church they are partnering with has made recent strides in growth – the church is looking to bring on 2 full-time pastors.  Pray with our team as the enemy is attacking team relationships – a typical place our enemy strikes at effective teams.  Ask the Lord to bring unity on the team.  Ask the Lord to heal personal insecurities, which often provide fertile soil for division.  Ask the Lord to reaffirm team member’s faith in the His sovereignty amidst growth and change – for what one sets out to do in missions is often not what one ends up doing.  Ask the Lord to draw team members to Himself daily that they might stay in step with His Spirit.

Newsletter on the way!

Lastly, we are preparing our fall newsletter and realize many of you are not on our mailing list.  Please take a second and send us your mailing address by either clicking here or replying to this email.  Dont miss out on this once a year masterpiece…


Steve and Sara