Dear Epaphras,
The prophet Isaiah wrote,

“Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why…”  (Isaiah 57:1)

and the psalmist writes,

“Precious in the sight of the LORD Is the death of His godly ones.” (Psalm 116:15)

joce'sThese passages were very relevant to our PIONEERS family in Europe this past year.  You’ve not read about Donovan, Gale or Marc’s passing in newspapers, nor seen their stories on CNN or Fox.  To most their stories have gone unnoticed.  However, these three called, anointed and faithful missionaries made an impact on many.  During their lives they courageously (and sometimes imperfectly) proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus to Muslims in Bosnia, England and North Africa as well as in their home countries of America and France.

Donovan (above), who died at 38, is survived by his wife and two young boys. Gale (below) who left us in her 50s, is survived by her husband and four children.  Marc (not pictured for security reasons) is survived by Claudine, several children and grand children.gale and juan carlos

They left this world in 2013 to hear our Lord’s voice, “Well done, good and faithful servant… enter into the joy of your Master….” (Matthew 25)

Please join us in praying for their spouses; Jocelyn, Juan Carlos and Claudine along with their children.  Ask the Lord for more grace in their grieving.  Pray the Gospel seed they planted in Europe (and beyond) would produce much, lasting, fruit.  And, to honor them, let us continue investing our ‘short’ lives in outright abandon to Jesus!

For His Glory in 2014!