Dear Epaphras,
Just a quick weekly update from us in France.  We are wanting to keep on this Wednesday rhythm of getting you updates so that you can pray with us.  Below are some very short prayer and praise items

For His Glory,

Steve, Sara, Annie and Julia


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  • Annie and Julia’s first week of school went amazingly well, both made a special friend that first day. Your prayers for the girls were answered!
  • Steve’s mom is adjusting well to her new home. If you are in Coronado, stop by the Coronado Retirement Village (suite 110) and pay her a visit.
  • The children’s worship CD “Ensemble C’est Mieux” is now being distributed in France, Switzerland and Belgium. And we are hearing regularly how children are excited to worship Jesus

Prayer requests:

  • Charles Bavelloni is coming to the U.S.A for the month of October. If you are in the Chicago or Dallas area and would like to hear about what the Lord is doing in French speaking Europe, please let us know or email Charles. Please pray for Charles and his dear family as they raise much needed ministry funds. They are a huge blessing to us and everyone they serve. If you would like to find out more about the Bavelloni’s ministry and perhaps support them financially, click here.
  • Steve desperately needs an administrative assistant! We returned to France this past August with 2 very clear objectives: 1) seek out an administrative assistant 2) build a team. Please join us in prayer as we are extremely limited without others and are being stretched thin.